Jennasis Speaks: The Transformative Power of Women's Stories
Jennasis Speaks: The Transformative Power of Women's Stories
Lending a Hand for Hope with Natalie Leek
As CEO of crisis nursery Providence House, Natalie Leek knows firsthand about the differences between poor parenting and parenting while poor. She believes many of the moms who turn to Providence House for help are doing their absolute best against incredible odds:
They’re parenting while living in poverty. They’re parenting solo. And they’re parenting without the safety net of family and friends that many parents take for granted. And they’re parenting in hopes they can keep their children out of the foster care system.
Natalie is a leader in a national movement to remake child welfare by putting more emphasis and resources toward keeping families together. She joins Jennifer Malcolm, CEO of Jennasis Speaks, to talk about Providence House’s mission and the goal of preserving families.